The Problem

Does this sound like you?

You are a good builder. Probably a great builder! But working for someone else left you feeling like what you could achieve in the industry was capped by the number of hours you could fit in a week. You have a bit of an entrepreneurial spark, so strike out on your own.

Fantastic! The world needs entrepreneurs to start businesses and grow the industry.

But after a while you discover that swinging the hammer is the easy part. Now you feel like constantly spinning plates and having to deal with:

  • Managing erratic cash flow to cover expenses

  • Ensuring you comply with a wide range of serious laws

  • Find the right work opportunities and quoting

  • Learning how to sell (at a profit)

  • Managing a team and all their issues

  • Organising materials and unreliable subbies

  • Dealing with client issues and complaints

  • And a lot more.

Many builders take the slow path and learn by the school of hard knocks. That’s what’s called “gaining experience” and can be a bruising process. It can even lead to your business not surviving its infancy. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

The Solution

Gain wisdom, not experience

Rather than taking the slow, painful path to business understanding now you can fast-track your learning by accessing the collective wisdom of hundreds of builders who have gone before you. Better to learn from the wins and mistakes of others than go it alone and risk making the same errors yourself.

You could choose to hire me as your one-to-one business coach and guide you through a customised business coaching programme. It’s certainly very effective and I have helped countless builders this way. It’s also not cheap and often out of the reach to a newer business owner. That is why I have taken the specialist business training material gathered together over close to two decades and laid it out in The Trades Coach Academy. Effectively an all-you-can-eat buffet of training videos, tools and templates that has been put together with your needs as a construction business owner in mind. And all for a very affordable cost.

In addition to the extensive library of construction-specific information, you will be able to participate in regular, live online group training Zoom calls. On these we will go deeper on particular topics of interest and you can ask questions of the wider group.

Members will also be invited to join one of my private Facebook groups where you can post questions or suggestions that everyone can benefit from. That way we can build a bit of community spirit and share our wins and learnings.


Trades Coach Academy modules

The content on the Trades Coach Academy website is split up into seven modules. You can jump from lesson to lesson in any module, pick out what training videos and tools may help with a particular issue or just like building a house, you can start at the Foundations and work your way up.

Sample Videos

Below are three sample videos randomly selected from the Academy library to give you a taste of what is inside. If any tool or template download is mentioned, these form part of the training and will be available to you once you join.


Markup vs Margin


Learn to sell

Making time for your business

It has taken considerable time and effort to gather the content for the Trades Coach Academy and more will be added in the future. But at the end of the day it’s how you take these trainings, tools and templates and IMPLEMENT them into your business over time that will maximise the success for you.

Improvement in your business won’t happen by magic but because you control the pace that you implement the knowledge contained in the Trades Coach Academy, you can make the changes at a rate that suits your situation and needs.

I can make time ...

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I am working 80 hours a week as it is. How will I be able to find even more time to devote to the improvement process?

Many business owners are in the same position and it’s a frustrating position to be in. However, if you never work on your business so that it will eventually work without you then you will always be in a position where the business dictates what you can do with your life. It is amazing how just one or two hours per week working on improving the ability of your business to survive without you can give you back 10 fold personal time for you and your family.

Q. I’ve written a business plan in the past and it has just gathered dust on our shelves. How do I know that this one will be any different?

Firstly, the Trades Coach Academy process isn’t a Business Plan – it’s an improvement programme for your business. It’s a comprehensive and detailed knowledge source for your business that focuses on where you want to go, rather than where you were 12 months ago.

The Trades Coach Academy process is not all about a planning document. It’s more about the process itself, and making improvements as you go so you’re building each area of your business in the correct order to enable you to achieve your goals.

Q. Do I have to follow a set schedule for this course?

No. The Trades Coach Academy is not a rigid training course. It is more like a library where you can visit as often as you need and go straight to the topic that is in your mind at the time. Some topics may require other lessons to ideally have been viewed before because of strategies referred to, but there is no fixed schedule you must follow

Customer Testimonials

Did this work for other builders?

Andy has helped us a great deal with strategies we continue to implement to this day. I can truly say that his coaching has kept us on our toes and I would not hesitate to work with him again in the future

Jason and Rosemary

I feel a confidence in the direction my business is heading in and encouraged by the support I am receiving from Andy at The Trades Coach. I feel it is a positive move to focus attention on the areas of my business operations that have been suffering and I believe Andy shows the competence to assist in setting and achieving the right goals to help the business grow

Dave King

It has been one of the best business decisions I have ever made, like a lot of tradesman I lacked the business knowledge to be capable of running a profitable business mostly due to the fact no one has taught me, or I didn't go to university to study business


Academy Pricing

I have priced this service to be easily affordable to all business owners. For the same cost as a decent circular saw you will have a year's access to business tools that will give you a 10:1 payback.  For those on an even tighter budget I offer a payment plan to spread your commitment over 12 months.

One Off

One simple payment now to get your account activated.


Split Payments

Spread your payment over 12 months.

12 x


* Prices exclude GST

What are you waiting for?

Sign up now and gain instant access the best industry-specific business advice available to help you become a successful building company owner.

Still not sure?  Click the Request a call back button and we can talk.

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